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The people behind Interclip

Interclip is growing each and every day needing more and more people to develop and make the project grow. Here are the most notable people behind our beloved sharing service.


@BigInt is a beloved Interclip critic, not just in features but a lot in code and in the whole Interclip infrastructure.


Filip has been developing Interclip since 2019 and is the person behind Interclip, Interclip Mobile, Interclip Desktop, the Interclip browser extension, and the CLI.


Pepa is an awesome designer who solely created the design for Interclip v4 and its new logo.


Keno is focused on the marketing and UX of Interclip. He is the man behind the 2021 Interclip mobile redesign and the idea of these very docs.


Vláďa has been a tremendous source of constant support and feedback since he got to know the project. He is the person who created Interclippies, the extremely hilarious messages you see when uploading a file to Interclip.

By Vladja